Monthly Archives: March 2012

Basic Muscle Building Tips

You need to consume enough calories. The general formula to define the total amount of the calorie requirement per person is calculated by his body weight in pounds and multiplying the figure it by 20. This will give the amount of the calories that a person needs to consume in order to gain weight. It may not be very accurate and the amount might be varying, but this is a good starting point.

Consuming the right meals at the right time is the key for building muscles. You should be spreading your calories throughout the day; ideally you need to consume 6-7 meals a day. Your meal should consist of enough proteins and carbohydrates. You can have your meals once every two to three hours a day. Remember, proteins are the only building blocks of life and you would simply have zero muscles without sufficient protein.

Do not take big meals. It is also not necessary that a meal should contain every possible dish. It is very important to take some protein supplement as soon as possible, after a workout. All your muscles will be tired and hungry.

As is the case with quality bodybuilding supplements, your body needs to have sufficient sleep too. Your body grows when it is in its resting stages. Realize this and try to get at least 8 hours sleep per night. You need to drink plenty of water. Only water keeps you hydrated and it is very important for weight lifters to keep their body hydrated all the time. Research points out that you need to drink at least 8 -10 liters of water everyday.

Your body should be given the right amount of food at the right time. However, if you skip meals, do not worry, for a little more food on your next meal is more than enough to compensate for the same. You also need to keep in mind that the amount of the calories will differ from week to week. The ideal way is to keep on increasing your calories. You need to increase your calorie intake in order to make sure that you continue to gain more weight. Never forget to stick to the basic exercises; bench presses and the pull ups. These are the best compound movements to work on large muscle groups and will build a good foundation.

Even if you fail to find any gains from your weight training basics, do not give up. All you need is to try harder and keep yourself motivated. These above said tips would quickly make you gain muscle and weight. You may also enroll in a neighborhood gym to learn the weightlifting moves in a much more professional manner.

Work a Lot to Gain a Lot

Toned muscular physiques, great bodies and larger-than-life size images are what commonly come to mind, when one thinks of bodybuilding contests. However, there are things beyond your looks that matter. If there is one sport in the world that tests one’s physical capability, by involving intense and detailed movements, it has to be bodybuilding. It takes years of regular workout to build ones body for these bodybuilding contests. We all are aware of the fact that Rome was not built in a day! Loads of effort, consistency in working out and a strict diet regime are mandatory things and need to be in place much before these contests. However, if your focus is truly on making it big when it matters and are ready to put in the time and dedication, you could consider half the job completed.

There are plenty of organizations conducting bodybuilding competitions. The only thing that may vary from one another is the method of evaluation. You need to conduct a research on every organization and their standards before choosing the bodybuilding competition.

Submit your applications well in advance, to ensure any last minute disappointments from the organization that you want to be involved with. You need to aim high, but start small, in case you are a beginner. The best way to begin is to start off in a small level. This helps you to learn the techniques, as well as allowing you to understand the process of a bodybuilding competition.

As mentioned before, following the words of a dietician is important, while thinking of improving your muscles. You need to follow the diet plan three months ahead of the competition. Remember to eat many times during the day, but cut down on the portions that you eat. Turkey, eggs, egg whites, fish, green vegetables, cheese, chicken breasts, grains and carbs have to be included in your food plan.

Plan to achieve a great shape through these weight training programs and tone your body, to the surprise of everyone around. You need to dedicate a separate day for both upper body and lower body workout, sometime during the course of a week. Do not forget to rest 1 day every week.

Remember that your heart is the most important part of your body and needs to be taken care of duly, in case you plan to live long. Start taking your top bodybuilding supplements. Practice the required poses and don’t forget to decide on your individual posing routine, music and bodybuilding t-shirts to wear in these competitions.

Weightlifting Supplements

There are several facts about weightlifting which the weightlifters themselves are unaware of. Most of the time, there is a difference between the facts and the truth. The weightlifting encyclopedia reveals most of these secrets and helps the beginners to understand what it takes to become a professional weightlifter.

Beginners need to understand there is no abs machine available in the world to redefine your abs, without making you reduce your total body fat. There is no machine to reduce the body weight instantaneously and it definitely is a time taking process.

Most of the time, we see thin and skinny guys working out in the gym and striving hard to lift weights that are beyond comprehension. However, the secret lies not in the size of the body and its external appearance, but on what you eat. Most trainers would advise you that you need to really eat like a professional to feel like one. Eating schedules need to have a rich mix of egg whites, chicken and tuna fish. These substances are rich in body builders – proteins. Apart from this, you need to consume at least 10 liters of water every day to keep your body wet and to make up for the water lost in the form of sweat. Another simple trick is to eat more frequently than every before and to reduce the quantities and food portions consumed.

The result of an exercise differs from one body to another. It is not wise to compare the results with those around you. There is also a misnomer that the heavier you lift, the stronger you become and you need to have the head to understand these things and read the finer print.

Most trainers would also advise you to exercise a lot, eat the right amounts of food and get sufficient rest. These are very essential for bodybuilding and weightlifting. However, some run off the regular tracks and regret later. You will not get the right shape if you carry extra weight. You also need to realize that using weightlifting bodybuilding supplements is an option, in case you feel that your diet is not giving you the right nutrients, calories and essential items required for growth and strength.

If you have any other doubts related to weight lifting and bodybuilding, there are several weightlifting books and magazines available, to give you the true insight into its facts and myths.